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Orientation Day and New Librarian Interview 27/2/2021

February 27th, 2021

Orientation Day and New Librarian Interview 27/2/2021

Heng Ee High School Board of Librarians Annual Promotion Ceremony

January 24th, 2021

Heng Ee High School Board of Librarians Annual Promotion Ceremony have succesfully held via Google Meet platform. Congratulations the librarians who promoted to higher level. Although we face crisis of pandemic issue in the past 2020, but the cooperation and teamwork among all librarians had enable our library jobs run smoothly.

Aktiviti 28/11 dalam Google Meet

10/10 Aktiviti Bersemuka di Perpustakaan Sekolah

Aktiviti 26/9 dalam Google Meet

Aktiviti 8/8 dalam Google meet

Aktiviti 25/7 dalam Google Meet

Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan 2020/2021 常年大会2020/2021

June 27th, 2020

2020年6月27日,本校图书馆管理团已通过Google Meet会议平台举行了第27届常年大会。2019/2020年度委员会也在此光荣卸任,并迎来了新委员的诞生,也迎来了图书馆管理团新一批的领导者。感谢本校图书馆管理团顾问老师的指导,也感谢2019/2020年委员的付出,并在陈淑芬团长的带领下将图书馆事务打理得妥妥贴贴。祝贺新委员的诞生!图书馆管理团加油!

On 27 June 2020, our school’s Board of Librarians had held its Annual General Meeting(AGM) via Google Meet. On that day, the new committees had been introduced and given the mission to lead our board in the incoming phase. We would like to thank our teachers for their guidance and thanks the 2019/2020 committees for their dedication. Congratulations to the new administrators! Break a leg!

Committees 2020/2021 委员2020/2021



May 18th, 2020

Upacara Kenaikan Pangkat 2020 升级仪式 2020 (11/1/2020)

2020年1月11日,图书馆管理团举行了升级仪式。在过去的日子里表现优良, 诚实, 积极以及负有责任感的图书馆管理员在这一天也得到了本团的认可与赞许,荣耀升级。升级仪式雄浑的氛围久久没有淡去,升级的图书馆管理员也在此肩负起带领新生们向前奋斗, 提高阅读风气的使命。

11th January of 2020, our school’s Board of Librarians held its annual Promotion Ceremony (Upacara Kenaikan Pangkat) The librarians who performed well behaviour, honesty, deligence and responsible for their duty have the right to be promoted and take a higher position as a SENIOR of the board. Librarians who had been promoted are going to satisfy a mission of leading and guiding the trainees to fulfill the responsible of building a better study condition of the library.

Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan 2019/2020

January 29th, 2020

图片中可能有:7 位用户、包括郑培淇、微笑的用户、一群人坐着和室内

Guru Penasihat dan Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa 2019/2020

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